אפליקציית נטלי 24/7
הגבלת אחריות
קניין רוחני
הפסקת השימוש
מידע והודעות
Natali in the Media, News and Updates
This is not for inquiries regarding urgent cases/requests for medical assistance
Natali is the leading company in Israel providing home medical and assistance services, with knowledge and experience gained from over thirty years of activity. Natali is the largest in its field.
All company services are provided through medical and professional infrastructures that were designed based on numerous years of experience, outstanding professionals and an uncompromising approach to service quality. The medical call center that is staffed around the clock by an experienced medical staff is operated through an innovative emergency call center directly connected to the home of every Natali subscriber, an advanced and equipped fleet of intensive care ambulances, nationwide dispersion of professionals, including doctors, social workers, paramedics, field representatives and technicians ready to serve at any time.
Important Links
Contact Natali
Created by cloudNclear
Healthcare Solutions
Please fill out the following contact form
Enter your details and a Natali representative will get back to you shortly
Or Dial 1-700-50-12-12
This is not for inquiries regarding urgent cases/requests for medical assistance
Enter your details and a Natali representative will get back to you shortly
OR dial 1-700-50-12-12
This is not for inquiries regarding urgent cases/requests for medical assistance
Enter your details and a Natali representative will get back to you shortly
This is not for inquiries regarding urgent cases/requests for medical assistance
Natali cares for your medical safety through all stages of life
Special price for those who are registered on our website:
Special price for those who are registered on our website:
Special price for those who are registered on our website:
*For Families up to 5 people (extra NIS 6 per month for each additional family member)
*Minimum age 6 year, maximum age 55